Spittoon Literary Magazine welcomes submissions of translated contemporary Chinese literature. These include:
short fiction
poetry (up to six poems)
excerpts from longer works of fiction
Translations should not have been previously published in English. Translators are responsible for obtaining rights. Copyright for work appearing in SLM rests with the contributor and with SLM.
Submissions in the following categories will also be considered for publication:
visual artwork
literary criticism with a focus on Chinese literature
book reviews of Chinese literature in translation
interviews with Chinese authors, translators, or artists
Feel free to also drop us a note if there is a Chinese-language writer you think we should be publishing!
All submissions should be formatted under the following conditions. Submissions that do not follow this format are likely to be rejected.
please only submit in .docx or .pdf format
12-point, Times New Roman for English-language submissions
all submissions of translations must include their Chinese originals
include a short biographical statement at the beginning of your submission, of both author and translator (if applicable)
We aim to respond to all received submissions within four weeks. Thank you very much for trusting us with your work.
Send all submissions to: submissions@spittoonlitmag.com